Sammonlahti Church

The Sammonlahti Church and parish meeting centre were designed by the Riitta and Kari Ojala architecture agency from Lappeenranta. The church is called “Beside the Still Waters” after the words of the Psalm, and it was inaugurated on the Feast of the Annunciation, on 22 March 1992. Concrete, red-brick and grey granite from Ristijärvi were used to build the church and the parish meeting centre that is an integral part of the complex. The church is open to public in the summer. Services and concerts are also held at the church.

Information about the church

Pillars symbolise the 10 commandments

The spacious church interior is held by ten pillars (the ten commandments). There is a corridor in the church that runs from the altar to other parts of the building; this passage is lined with 12 pillars (the 12 apostles).
Water is an integral element of the church, as its name, Beside the Still Waters, suggests. Another central attribute is the altar piece, which is made of glass and grey granite. Water flows down a grove in the middle of the stone sculpture. This work of art, weighting over six thousand kilos, was designed and made by glass designer and artist Brita Flander.

    The church was inaugurated on 22 March, 1992.
    The pillars symbolise the 10 commandments.
    The church nave has a round shape.
    The altar is placed in the centre of the nave.

Opening hours

Open on request.


Hietakallionkatu 7, 53850 Lappeenranta
phone +358 40 312 6571