Lappeenranta Art Museum

The Lappeenranta Art Museum is located opposite the Orthodox Church at the Lappeenranta Fortress, in a neo-classical barracks building, dating from 1798. The museum is also the regional art museum of South-East Finland. The Art Museum collection mostly contains works of Finnish fine arts, from the 19th century up to present time. One large and important collection is the colliction By Viipurin Taiteenystävät ry (Vyborg Friends of Art). The art from South-Eastern Finland is one of the main focuses in the acquisitions of the museum.

The exhibition program of the art museum presents a versatile overview of artistic phenomena. The main focus is on Finnish contemporary art, but the history of art is displayed regularly too. One of the museum`s priorities is to showcase art from South-Eastern Finland.

Information about the museum

Opening hours

During the summer season 3.6.-18.8.2024

Mon-Fri 10-18

Sat-Sun 11-17

Closed expectionally:

Midsummer 21.6.-22.6.


As a part of the Finland's sweetest summer campaign, the Fortress museums are admission free during 3.6.-18.8.2024. Welcome!

Combination ticket to Fortress Museums adults 10€ / pensioners, students, unemployed, groups/person (min. 10 people) 8€, under 18 years of age: free of charge.


Kristiinankatu 8-10, Lappeenranta
Phone +358 40 130 9217, +358 40 587 2274