The Rantaraitti lakeside route – accessible to all

 The beautiful Rantaraitti lakeside route traces the shores of Lake Saimaa and is within easy reach from Lappeenranta city centre. With a total length exceeding 20 kilometres, the route can be accessed from several points. The eastern part is connected to the rest of the route network by a rowboat connection, a 150-metre rowing distance between Pappilanniemi and Pieni Lamposaari island. The entire route is signposted.

You can briefly visit the lakeside route, but it is also ideal for longer excursions, as there are several rest stops with tables and benches along the way. For those who enjoy more strenuous exercise, there are outdoor fitness facilities and the Huhtiniemi fitness stairs along the route.

Map of the whole Rantaraitti lakeside route

Map of west part of Rantaraitti

Information about Rantaraitti

Western lakeside route and Tyysterniemi lakeside route

 The western main route from Myllysaari beach to Tervahaudanpuisto park in Skinnarila is about 10 kilometres. From Myllysaari to Pallo, the route is mainly covered with asphalt. The seven-kilometre stretch from the Pallo roundabout to Skinnarila is covered with finely crushed stone, with the exception of a long wooden bridge, which crosses a line of rocks – the remnants of an ancient shoreline formed in the Ice Age – and a spring area. The bridge makes the entire lakeside route accessible from Sammonlahti to Myllysaari, and it is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

The western lakeside route is lit. There is no winter maintenance.

The lakeside route is a highly unique natural attraction, where the visitor can admire magnificent views over Lake Saimaa and experience diverse and lush groves with areas of stony shore walls. Many animal species live along the route, such as the flying squirrel, the white-backed woodpecker, the lesser spotted woodpecker, the golden oriole, as well as different bat species. In addition, there are 13 nature-themed signboards along the route, providing information on the area’s forest, trees and vegetation. There is also a natural water source, where you can get fresh spring water to drink.

The lakeside route also branches off towards Tyysterniemi. The accessible Tyysterniemi lakeside route starts from the parking area by Tyysterniementie road. It runs on hilly terrain, but some of the steeper stretches of the route have been made more gentle. In addition, the even surface of finely crushed stone and the handrails installed along the route in places make it somewhat easier to move around.

Eastern lakeside route

The eastern part of the route starts from Lauritsala, near the Luukkaansalmi bridge, at Greenreality park. The route follows the shores and the Saimaa Canal through the Lauritsala harbour to the Mustola lock and along the other side of the canal to Kanavansuu. The entire route is signposted from Greenreality park to Kanavansuu. The route can also be accessed via the Leijonapolku trail, which starts from the parking area near the Mustola lock, on the side of Läntinen Kanavatie road.

The terrain is partly challenging due to the hills and the historical museum canal. It also partly runs on the street network and consists of the route sections of Luukkaanniemi, Furulund, Leijonapolku, Kanavapolku (maintained by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency) and Kanavansuu. The route is partly covered in finely crushed stone, and there are duckboards in some places. There are stairs and a wooden bridge along Leijonapolku, as well as a rest stop with benches and a table.

You can also depart from the actual route to take a walk around Lauritsala Manor and the route around the island in the canal park.

The area also has interesting nature. In Furulund, there are moist herb-rich forest habitats within a short distance of rugged rocky shores. The cultural impact of Lauritsala Manor can be seen in the area’s tree species. You can explore a path with various tree species at Kanavansuu and admire the lush forest along the shore in Luukkaanniemi.

In the vicinity of the eastern lakeside route, there are various services, such as parks and sports fields, fitness equipment and disc golf courses in Lauritsala and Mälkiä. In winter, ski trails run around the Lauritsala swimming hall and on the old sports field in Mälkiä. There are also cultural-historical sites in the area, such as Lauritsala Manor, the Kaukas factory, the museum canal and the Saimaa Canal Museum near the Mälkiä lock. There is also the Lauritsala boat pier and shipyard along the lakeside route, and ships can also be observed arriving at the Mustola and Mälkiä locks.

The eastern lakeside route is partially lit. There is no winter maintenance.

Arrival instructions for the eastern lakeside route

The Leijonapolku trail starts from the parking area near the Mustola lock, on the side of Läntinen Kanavatie road. The trail can also be accessed from the northern end of the section along Läntinen Kanavatie road, at the Highway 6 bridge crossing the canal.

You can turn to the parking area of the Furulund nature trail from Läntinen Kanavatie road at the intersection of Kartanontie road.

The Luukkaanniemi parking area is located next to the Luukkaansalmi Bridge. From Hyötiöntie road, take the turn to the Kaukas factory’s Puuportintie road, and then turn towards the Luukkaanniemi dog park. In Luukkaanniemi, you can also leave your car in the parking area of the Luukkaanniemi marina. However, please note that many boaters park their cars in the area in summer.

On the east side of the canal, you can find parking spaces, for example, near the Mälkiä lock and at the end of Suolavuorentie road.

Rantaraitti Guide Map.